Christoph Veit
Being a pro in reedmaking was not a planned career for Christoph. He got to do this due to his orchestra collegues regularly emptying his reed case.
Christoph played the accordion as a kid. When his father asked him if he wanted to play the bassoon he said yes even though he had never seen one. Soon he entered the Conservatory in Munich which was a adventurous trip of 5 hours each week since he lived on the country side in Bavaria.
He went on to study bassoon at the Hochschule für Musik in Munich and later The Mozarteum Salzburg. He got grantos from the Michael Roever Stiftung and at Villa Musica. As a pro Christoph played with Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz, Stadttheater Coburg, Philharmonisches Orchester Augsburg, Volksoper Wien and Bühnenorchester der Wiener Staatsoper. He has had his own bassoon class at the School for Music of the City of Vienna.
Christoph is an autodidact in making reeds. He took apart the ones that he liked after they were “dead” and started replicating them. This way of learning enabled him to develop his unique mastery in reedmaking.
His reeds are shipped in more than 30 countries today. With his craftsmanship he serves beginners doing their first bassoon steps and pros in the most prestigious Orchetras of the World.